global UvSeamChecker
struct UvSeamCheckerStruct (
channel = 1,
dialog = undefined,
facen = 1,
edges = #(),
fn geomCheck theTime node result = (
local t = timestamp()
local fan = node.faces.count
if (UvSeamChecker.facen == fan) then ()--do nothing
else (
UvSeamChecker.facen = node.faces.count
local mesh = snapshotasmesh node
local edges = #()
local verts = #()
if meshop.getmapsupport mesh channel do (
numtverts = meshop.getnummapverts mesh channel
getmapface = meshop.getmapface
tfaces = for f=1 to mesh.numfaces collect (getmapface mesh channel f)
local emesh = TriMesh()
setmesh emesh numverts:numtverts numfaces:mesh.numfaces
setmesh emesh faces:tfaces
seamed = meshop.getopenedges emesh
opened = meshop.getopenedges mesh * seamed
faces = meshop.getfacesusingedge mesh seamed
for f in faces do (
local vv = getface mesh f
e = f*3 - 3
if seamed[e += 1] and (vv[1] < vv[2] or opened[e]) do append verts #(int vv.x, int vv.y) -- get the indices of the vertices only
if seamed[e += 1] and (vv[2] < vv[3] or opened[e]) do append verts #(int vv.y, int vv.z)
if seamed[e += 1] and (vv[3] < vv[1] or opened[e]) do append verts #(int vv.x, int vv.z)
fn difx a b = (
arr = #()
for e in a do (
idx = finditem b e
if idx == 0 then
append arr e
return arr
local getVertEdges = polyop.getEdgesUsingVert
/**local seamverts = join (for v in verts collect v[1]) (for v in verts collect v[2])
print("1:" + (timestamp() - t) as string)
local allfaces = node.faces
print("2:" + (timestamp() - t) as string)
local allvertex = for v in node.verts collect v.index--polyop.getVertsUsingFace node allfaces
print("3:" + (timestamp() - t) as string)
local alledges = for e in node.edges collect e.index --polyop.getEdgesUsingFace node allfaces
print("4:" + (timestamp() - t) as string)
local iv = (allvertex as bitarray - seamverts as bitarray)as array --difx allvertex seamverts
print("5:" + (timestamp() - t) as string)
local ie = polyop.getEdgesUsingVert node iv
print("6:" + (timestamp() - t) as string)
edges = difx alledges ie
print("7:" + (timestamp() - t) as string)
--for v in verts do join edges ((getVertEdges node v[1]) * (getVertEdges node v[2])) --get edge between two verts
for i = 1 to verts.count do append edges (((getVertEdges node verts[i][1]) * (getVertEdges node verts[i][2]))as array)[1]
free mesh
free emesh
UvSeamChecker.edges = edges
join result UvSeamChecker.edges
fn supportedCheck node = (classof node == Editable_Poly or classof node == PolyMeshObject),
fn configDialog = (
try(destroyDialog UvSeamChecker.dialog)catch()
rollout config "Config" (
spinner channelspinner "UV Channel:" range:[1,1000000,UvSeamChecker.channel] type:#integer
on channelspinner changed value do (
UvSeamChecker.channel = value
XViewChecker.runCheck CurrentTime
max views redraw
createDialog config
setDialogPos config mouse.screenpos
UvSeamChecker.dialog = config
fn textOverride = (xViewChecker.getCurrentOutputCount() as string ),
fn dispOverride theTime theNode theHwnd theResults = (
local theColor = red
XViewChecker.displayResults theColor theTime theNode theHwnd #Edges theResults
try(destroyDialog UvSeamChecker.UvSeamCheckerDialog)catch()
UvSeamChecker = UvSeamCheckerStruct()
XViewChecker.unRegisterChecker "Uv Seams"
XViewChecker.registerChecker UvSeamChecker.geomCheck UvSeamChecker.supportedCheck #Edges "Uv Seams" UvSeamChecker.configDialog UvSeamChecker.textOverride undefined --UvSeamChecker.dispOverride